Thursday, February 18, 2010


This is one of the things which many are afraid of, and that is public-speaking. This section is one that would really show how confident a person is, and how his English skills is. Despite it being one of the most hated section, I feel that it is a very important to learn as we will be using it frequently of the rest of our lifes, be it in little things like persuading juniors to come to Hwachong Institution or major things like presenting a proposal in a company or even in Project's Day Competition.

We have to learn many different skills for us to look confident during public speaking:

1) We have to mantain a consistent eye-contact with our audience. A person seen standing on stage, merely reading out from his script would appear not confident. This would make his speech very unpersuasive and it would be very unappealing to the audience.

2) We would have to maintain a good posture and speak loud and clear. Can you imagine a person slouching reading softly and timidly to the public? That would be really hilarious as the person would seem to be making a fool of himself on stage.

3) It would be good to use hand gestures during the sppech presentation as this would give your important points emphasis. Also, hand gestures would make you appear very confident.

Although I am not a good public speaker myself, I believe that if we follow the above few points, we would be able to give a good and persuasive speech.

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