Saturday, February 27, 2010


What is a mockingbird?

Mockingbirds are known for their ability to mimic the songs of other songbirds. Each of the imitations are repeated a few times before a new one is initiated. A given bird may have 30, 40 or even 200 songs in its repertoire, including other bird songs, insect and amphibian sounds, and even the occasional mechanical noise. Cool eh?

Another interesting fact about these birds is that they prefer spending their time observing how the world passes by and copying songs rather than finding food or hunting.

Habitats of a mockingbird:

Mockingbirds like living in the open like in parks and dislike living in dense areas like in forests. Mockingbirds enjoy feeding on fruits like grapes, blackberries and figs. In addition to that, it also feeds on pests like weevils and cucumber beetles.

Based on the above habitats of the mockingbird, I can conclude that Maycomb has very little buildings and structures like trees as the mockingbirds prefer to live in open spaces. Also, I think that there are many fruit crops growing in maycomb. This is because mockingbirds feed on fruits and they would not choose to live in maycomb if there were no food for them to feed on.

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