Sunday, February 28, 2010


Question: What do you think about discrimination and prejudice?

Answer: I feel that discrimination and prejudice is something we should never do. All people are born equal and no one is more superior than the other. Everyone should have the belief that all people are born equal and thus should not be prejudice against someone.

Q: So what do you think will be the consequence of prejudice?

A: Prejudice will only bring about unhappiness in the country. Those people being discriminated will first maybe just ignore it, but later, when they are refused rights, anger will built up and riots will occur. If things are serious, many lives will be claimed as well. Prejudice and discrimination brings us nothing but harm, so we should not support it.

Q: Have you ever encountered discrimination in your daily live?

A: I have not and I would not want to encounter it.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


What is a mockingbird?

Mockingbirds are known for their ability to mimic the songs of other songbirds. Each of the imitations are repeated a few times before a new one is initiated. A given bird may have 30, 40 or even 200 songs in its repertoire, including other bird songs, insect and amphibian sounds, and even the occasional mechanical noise. Cool eh?

Another interesting fact about these birds is that they prefer spending their time observing how the world passes by and copying songs rather than finding food or hunting.

Habitats of a mockingbird:

Mockingbirds like living in the open like in parks and dislike living in dense areas like in forests. Mockingbirds enjoy feeding on fruits like grapes, blackberries and figs. In addition to that, it also feeds on pests like weevils and cucumber beetles.

Based on the above habitats of the mockingbird, I can conclude that Maycomb has very little buildings and structures like trees as the mockingbirds prefer to live in open spaces. Also, I think that there are many fruit crops growing in maycomb. This is because mockingbirds feed on fruits and they would not choose to live in maycomb if there were no food for them to feed on.

Multiple intelligence

The multiple intelligence test showed that my highest scores are logical and interpersonal with naturalist following closely behind.

I believe that the test is rather accurate as I really enjoy doing math and logical questions. Mathematics being one of my favourite subjects in school, I like solving math questions as it gives me a sense of sastifaction whenever I manage to solve a really difficult math question which requires much thinking and processing. I am also amazed at how math is closely related to our lives like in speed, and many other things. It is also closely related to science as well, requiring many calculations and measurements.

Having the same score in interpersonal skills as well, I enjoy working in teams rather that doing things alone. I feel that doing things in a team has an edge against doing things alone as in a team, you can split jobs evenly among your team mates. This means that everyone has less things on their hands and can do their tasks more efficiently. Also, in a team, we can share our ideas with one another, and coming up woth the best one to work on.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


This is one of the things which many are afraid of, and that is public-speaking. This section is one that would really show how confident a person is, and how his English skills is. Despite it being one of the most hated section, I feel that it is a very important to learn as we will be using it frequently of the rest of our lifes, be it in little things like persuading juniors to come to Hwachong Institution or major things like presenting a proposal in a company or even in Project's Day Competition.

We have to learn many different skills for us to look confident during public speaking:

1) We have to mantain a consistent eye-contact with our audience. A person seen standing on stage, merely reading out from his script would appear not confident. This would make his speech very unpersuasive and it would be very unappealing to the audience.

2) We would have to maintain a good posture and speak loud and clear. Can you imagine a person slouching reading softly and timidly to the public? That would be really hilarious as the person would seem to be making a fool of himself on stage.

3) It would be good to use hand gestures during the sppech presentation as this would give your important points emphasis. Also, hand gestures would make you appear very confident.

Although I am not a good public speaker myself, I believe that if we follow the above few points, we would be able to give a good and persuasive speech.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day

There are many stories of how Valentine's Day started, however, I shall tell you one of them. In ancient Rome, there was a man named Valentine. He was a priest. During his time, Rome was ruled by an Emperor named Claudius. Many people disliked him, including Valentine.

Claudius wanted a very big army and expected people to volunteer to join the army. However, many men did not want to leave their wives and children and thus very little people volunteered to join. This made Claudius very angry. He was so angry that he passed down a rule that no one else is allowed to get married. He thought that if the men did not have wives and children, they would not mind joining the army.

Many people including Valentine thought that the rule was ridiculous, but they did not have a choice. Therefore, Valentine decided not to follow the law and performed marriage ceremonies secretly. Once, when the ceremony was taking place, they heard footsteps of the patrolling soldiers. The couple managed to get away in time, but Valentine was caught and put on death sentence.

In his cell, however, he tried to keep his spirits up. Many young people threw notes into his cell to thank him for holding the marriage ceremonies and that they, too, believed in love. One of these young people was the prison guard's daughter. Her father allowed her to visit him in the cell and they would often chat for hours. She agreed that he did the right thing of ignoring the rules and holding the ceremonies. On the day that he was to die. February 14, 269 A.D., he wrote a note to her, thanking her for her friendship and loyalty. He signed it, "Love from your Valentine."

This has thus became a custom where young couples would write love notes to each other