Wednesday, March 24, 2010

CIP at St. Luke's old folks home

It is founder's day today and our school have prepared a CIP visit to an old folks home at Hougang. The purpose of this CIP visit is to commemerate our founder Tan Kah Kee's great contribution to the society.

When we first arrived there, we started interacting with the elderly. I found many of them rather friendly. After that, we played some ball games with them as a form of exercise. With the elderly being seated in a circle, we tok turns to walk around to pass balls to them and with them passing it back to us. Right after that, we were placed around the elderly and soon started an interesting game of passing the balls around. When the music is playing, the elderly would pass the balls around in a clock-wise direction. And when the music stops, they are not supposed to pass the balls anymore. Those elderly with the balls in their hands would have to perform for us. One of the elderly there was called to sing for us. At first she declined politely with the excuse of not being able to sing well. However, after some 'begging', she finally decided to comply. She DID sing very well!

After this short exercise, many of my classmates started to perform. Kevin Mak was the first to perform with a display of his wushu skills. Being accompanied with music, his performance was enhanced and many of the old folks enjoyed it very much. Following next was the duo guitar performance by Marc and Roy. They even sang to the music! But that is not the only musical performance we have. Our very own violonist, Darryl , went up to perform next. After a few bars of playing, he soon caught the attention of the elderly who were full of praises for him. Last but not least, we have a performance by Kurt. He, being a gymnast, showed off his impressive gymnastic skills. I am sure the elderly enjoyed the backflips and the hand stands he did.

Now, it is time for some hands-on for the elderly---origami folding! We gathered the elderly into various tables and passed them some origami paper. Then, the students would gather at the different tables to teach them how to fold boats, bats and even hearts. Some of the elderly were even better than us, making inflatable balls and cranes! During the course of these activities, some of our classmates went around distributing stickers to the elderly.

Finally, we settled down to a relaxing of Bingo. Each of the elderly were given a piece of laminated sheet with numbers on it. We then went around explaining how to play this game. Once they understood, we commenced the game. The person-in-charge turned the wheel and our friend Kevin Yong shouted out the number in both english and chinese. I am sure that many of the elderly enjoyed this relaxing game.

After this game, we returned back to school, waving goodbye to the elderly. I hope that this act of us can make them feel better.

Care of the elderly:)

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